"I love the nature - the vast mountains, boundless ocean view, and beautiful sky. It's something you can't forget when you travel to other places. Kodiak is an island made for adventure. It's a place where everyone is united by the beauty of it all. Kodiak has a strong community where we notify each other of potential danger, or something we're concerned about." - Natalie
"We're so unique because we have ocean, and mountains, grasslands and so much more! There is so much to explore on Kodiak Island... Growing up, I always loved coming to this beach, a lot of memories were made here, many camping trips! Also the scenery is stunning here! My favorite memory is when I went polar plunging with my friends, while it was hailing! It was a surreal experience." - Maribehet
But it's not just about the camping trips and wonderful views... We stayed in Kodiak for three weeks for a work project and we know for a fact that there's more to this island than meets the eye! A simple afternoon boat ride can take you to any tiny island nearby where you can picnic or just go fishing. We took evening walks to the boat docks and looked into the water for jellys and starfish. We got to see otters, seals and sea lion, we watched sea planes land and take off. On a wet rainy day we tagged along as the family went fishing at a popular fishing spot and spotted THREE Kodiak bears fishing for salmon on the riverbank - the closest we've ever been to bear in the wild!
These girls have had a full life growing up in Kodiak Alaska! Maribehet and Natalie are twins and we really enjoyed getting to know them and their family while we were visiting. They are Seniors at the local High School in Kodiak and are in the graduating Class of 2025! They have one class together this year and have vastly different interests. Maribehet's favorite class is welding and she is in her fourth year. With an arsenal of welding certifications, she is currently working on a fabrication project of a lilac in her welding class! I hope I get to see it when she's done! Maribehet is passionate about always moving forward, she has big goals but takes things one day at a time. Her favorite quote is: "I do not, and will not fear tomorrow because I feel as though today has been enough." -Zack Bryan.
Natalie is passionate about art. It's the subject she enjoys the most and gets her through her day! Natalie is proud to have had her art in an auction in a museum! Personally as a fellow art enthusiast, I love watching Natalie's BeReal updates on some art projects she's been working on, so... keep posting!! Natalie's biggest hope for the future is a world without suffering, she is a big thinker and would love to do some traveling and volunteer work in the future! Natalie's favorite quote: "It is endless, the catalogue of attributes that make up who you are. The amount of things that are breathtakingly pretty. I've mentioned enough to rain a drop in the ocean." - Anonymous
These girls share a love for good food and outdoor adventures, they are both extremely kind, generous, easy to get along with, and they love their mom! They have an amazing community of supporters - the local congregation of friends, their parents, big brother, grandma, as well as an aunt and uncle who live close by and love them as their own!
Would it be okay to say that we are blessed to have come to know this beautiful family living in Kodiak Alaska, and how overjoyed we are to have received such warm hospitality and love!
Enjoy our favorites from Maribehet and Natalie's senior photo session!